
The Finance Department is responsible for maintaining the financial well-being of the City. This is accomplished through a variety of functions, ensuring that all monies received and disbursed by the City are properly accounted for and are safeguarded in a fiscally responsible manner.

Accounting and Budgeting

A primary responsibility of the Finance division is to prepare and maintain the City’s operating and capital budgets. Accounting and bookkeeping functions are performed, along with cash management, investments, and debt management. Maintenance of all financial records is another function, including the monthly reconciliation of all bank accounts, preparing and maintaining grant programs, managing developer’s escrow funds, and maintaining the Fixed Assets inventory.

Purchasing and Accounts Payable

The accounts payable division is responsible for the procurement of all City services, equipment, and supplies. The municipal purchasing objective is to purchase these items at the lowest possible cost, while maintaining a process of fairness and integrity. The division is also responsible for securing bids and proposals where applicable. The City utilizes a purchase order system, which is centralized in the Finance office. Bills are paid twice monthly, at every council meeting.

Payroll and Benefits Administration

All employee salaries are administered through the payroll division. This includes paying state and federal taxes, Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) and Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) deductions, labor contract dues, and voluntary deductions for various programs offered by the City. Accruals of sick, vacation, and personal time available to the employees are also maintained, as are time and attendance records. The administration of employee health benefits is also a function of the payroll division.

bids rfps budget reports user friendly budget reports financial statements debt statements audit reports


Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
(609) 641-0663 ext. 108
(609) 645-5098
Chief Financial Officer
Kristen Manning, CMFO
Deputy Finance Officer
Kayla Haberstroh